Our young adult small group meets on Thurdsday nights off-campus.  The average age is 18-28.  We are a group of young professionals, college students, and those who are just figuring out a career path.  We are a little bit of everything and room for more.  We begin around 6:30pm with a meal and then Bible study.  As a small group, our primary focuses are to study God's Word together, fellowship, to see where Christ is at work around us, and to learn from each other.  Our vision is to take what we learn in group and take it to our community.  It's also a time to encourage and pray for each other as we face the stuff of everyday life.

To find more information and where we meet call the church office: 702.645.0479 or contact Pastor Brett:  bcargile@foothillsbaptistchurch.org

Young Adults