Worship Ministries

Our Vision

To provide an atmosphere of worship at Foothills Baptist Church that enables people to move to membership, maturity, ministry, mission and magnification. To allow people with the gifts and talents in music, creative worship arts and technical aspects of ministry to use those gifts to the fullest potential to reach others for Christ and grow to maturity in Christ.


We are very excited about the opportunities we have to worship God together corporately and individually. We are always looking for people to invest their lives in serving God through the worship ministry at Foothills. If you are interested in serving God through this ministry, please contact the church office at info@foothillsbaptistchurch.org. There are several places for you to be involved. They are the Adult Praise Band/Team and Audio/Visual Ministry.

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Morning Worship - 9:00am

Sunday Bible study groups for all ages - 10:30-11:30am